Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Room 17's new blog

Term two and looking good. The new website is up and running, it looks awesome.
We have lots of things planned for this term.
We are off to Kapiti Island next Wednesday. We are looking forward to seeing all the birds, the different plants and walking to the top to see where Te Rauparaha stood. He had a magnificent view to the North, South, East and West. We will also see an old whaling pot. If the weather is no good listen to Newstalk ZB first thing in the morning. Don't forget you need to be at school at 8.20 am because we are leaving at 8.30am.
Cross country practises start this week. Make sure you have the right gear especially suitable shoes for runnning in.
Mrs Dott

Friday, March 5, 2010

Our Swimming sports

Hongoeka Syndicate held their swimming sports on 22nd April. A fun time was had by all. Everyone swum really well. Room 16 won the class relay for the second year in a row - well done. One parent commented on how good the children in our syndicate can swim. Awesome skills.